Booker shortlist announced!
The Sea by John Banville
Arthur & George by Julian Barnes
A Long Long Way by Sebastian Barry
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Accidental by Ali Smith,
On Beauty by Zadie Smith
Ishiguro is the only one of the handful of veterans to make the longlist. Coetzee has already won the prize twice and has also been awarded the Nobel, so his ommission is not such a big deal (his new novel, Slow Man is receiving mixed reviews though Complete Review seems quite enthusiastic about it. I'll be picking it up shortly). Rushdie's too has been dividing critics, but hopefully the Nobel Academy will ignore the threats and just hand the prize over to him this year. Dan Jacobson looks destined to being a footnote in literary history, which is a shame.
As for the shortlisted titles, I am intrigued. The Banville looks quite interesting, as do the Ali Smith and the Barnes (which is the bookies' favourite to win). I'm definitely reading Ishiguro's novel. Zadie Smith, that photogenic darling of the literary set a few years back, has finally got a position on the shortlist, and has been in the news over some rather brazen comments about her native England.
Overall, a nice list.
Julian Barnes is a bit of a wanker, although his History of the World in 9.5 Chapters was pretty cool.
Just read the Zadie Smith article. In terms of the growth of vulgarity and violence in Britain, unfortunately, she's telling the truth, IMO.
Anonymous, at 3:08 am
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